Wednesday, January 07, 2009

human or dancer?

timothy leary, the deceased philosopher and creator of LSD once said that he was "an anonymous institutional employee who drove to work each morning in a long line of commuter cars and drove home each night and drank several million middle-class, liberal, intellectual robots."

robots. i'm one of those. feed me my routine and i shall live like a robot. i wouldn't notice if i were to leave my brains at home.

so i heard a song like, "are human or are we dancers?". i know i'm a dancer. i don't really dance and i don't think i always face the music. i only dance to someone else's tune.

like that, "they say jump, you say how high?".

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

lucky you're in love with a bestfriend?

i wish for things to be simple. i wish i was a simpler person. i wish everyone was simple. and understanding too. i wish the past is not as important as the present. and the future is not something to be scared of. i wish for the future to be plain simple. relatively easy to deal with. i wish i could make it simpler. and easier too. for people around me. the significant other too.

i wish i was in my favorite jeans on a sunny sunday. i wish in my possession at any given time a pack of camel 14's. i wish nobody would ever say anything about the haze. and when my thoughts created all these multiple hazes in my head, i wish my thoughts wouldn't matter in any possible way too. then it would've been simpler for them.

i wish i was johnny depp getting a winona forever's tattoo. i wish i was that shy and dumb and honest. cause i want to be simple. i wish i am a simple person all my life. cause i don't want to know about your past. and i'm not going to worry about the future. all i want to be is plain fucking simple. i'm living the present.

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.