Wednesday, August 30, 2006

drive in the fast lane


drive.i need a drive.see..?! how should i put it?
it goes like this..i came in early this morning...much earlier than my boss thus improving my previous multi-colored card's history..nevertheless, it does not represent my current view on my career advancement in this co.
spent more than weeks wondering how i can actually get a lucrative paycheck externally versus the zillion things waiting to be sorted out is not a good sign.never.hari raya is approaching and here i neurotransmitter, i'll catch up with u later! alien concept for the past 9 years.9 as in NINE?..WTF!! i met this girl.quite tall.fair.friendly.easy and comfortable to be around with.strike as a person who could use a nice conversation about anything over coffee.10 bucks and u'll get one of the best moments of ur life.well spent!
point is, i like her..

read a book at nocturnal (sounded better with "scott's place").haha..national geographic. about the scientific explanation of love.samples of lovebirds (in love for at least four months) shows that the amount of serotonin increases the way an OCD patient would enjoy.the sensation is full of other words, madly in love is not just a figure of ARE actually mad.
translation:stay away
translation:it might be unhealthy

who cares?
let's fall in love.beautiful life is what you make it.

1 comment:

bastard united said...

ur in
no wonder u asked me out for fresh air juz now..
so who is the lucky gal????

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.