Monday, October 02, 2006

october monday morning

after nine days of doing nothing (strictly no work-related-phone calls), i'm feeling quite ok...i suppose it should've been better than just "quite ok" but hey, it's fasting month man....pardon the att.
i haven't been reading for specific preference for genres or authors.i'd love to read "heavier than heaven" though, sort of autobio of mr cobain.
mm, wait until i could get ahold of it.
got a book at a "nice price" section of a bookstore.50% man.gross!
had i read that "wuthering heights", i would've marvelled best at this book i bought, i'm sure. it says "heathcliff, the return to wuthering heights". later to my discovery, mr heathcliff is the infamous protagonist in the collection. a rather intriguing tale of a stableboy turns gentleman, a love affair encircling castes and royalties and plenty other distinctive characters.

still reading as i dig narrative, sometimes figurative (personification)paragraphs. "lord of the flies" educational edition for TESL students is a 'beau ideal' for such approach. but cautioned one must be, it bears an effect of a sleeping pill sometimes..haha...

k, till next time.hasta pronto.

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.