Thursday, October 19, 2006

virtually real

now that i have an interesting channel to emit the negative agents out of my mind, i know i don't have to be or can't be holding that cobainesque aura on my shoulder no more. at least i'm finding it interesting. to a person who's been spending one-third of his life not having a real interest in anything except for music, it is a good sign. a good and positive development.

i hate the fact that i'm working for people and not for the "people". my nightmare has come to life which was to make the rich getting richer. so filthy rich that the responsibility and the beauty of brotherhood has become a mere PR-speak rather than to put it into practice.
what have i done and what can i actually do or contribute?, some might ask.

as for me, i'm calling it a day. soon. very soon.
remember that movie "pay it forward"?...that's not what i have in mind.....haha...

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.