Wednesday, January 03, 2007

National Hangover Day

National Hangover Day. every morning, every year on the 1st of January, hailed as the day to commemorate the you-know-what-so-don't-bother-to-ask. the day started with a ritual of detoxification session. well, actually it is supposed to be carried out in the morning but only minority responded. the rest are still, mmm, sleeping.

next page.
resolution. what about it? we make resolutions just to forget them (in some cases, deliberately) somewhere in april? do we need to wait until the very last days of december to have a resolution? or is it the same as the previous year, only that it is asking for another year to be materialised? whatever. if it makes u happy.

in reality bites, troy dyer told lelaina pierce this>>>

lelaina> i want to be a somebody by the age of 23.
troy> all you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.
lelaina> yeah, well, i'm not sure who that is anymore.

mm, a sad-but-true moment there.

(i should stop now?)
(like right now?)
(the whines and complaints?)
(yeah, ok...sorry guys..)
(happy new year, ciao!)

1 comment:

bastard united said...

so this the work that you had this morning and skipped bfast wif me...bullocks...

u owe me bfast..hah..........

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.