Monday, May 14, 2007

pornography kills

chapter 1-love and relationships
nothing much can be said about the abovementioned. one thing for sure, i'm more interested in getting between their legs rather than to commit myself in a serious, potentially lifelong relationship. lead me to myself, please..

chapter 2-career and commitments
my plate is full. very, very extraordinarily full. trying to catch my breath whilst writing this, i was given another task this morning. the GM gave a remark suggesting something like this "u did a good job on that, now try this". man, u got to be kidding me.

chapter 3-all in all
all i can expect in the months or maybe weeks to come, i'll be travelling a lot. actually, i'm looking forward to it. i love to travel. only, i haven't found the way. to travel without moving. no booze, weed or any mind-altering substance. no jas, you can't help me with this...hehe....


bastard united said...

Well, I think I can...You travel and bring me along... I'll help you enjoy the booze.. Lol...good plan ei...

p/s : im in deep deep shite..dunno who to talk to sial..

nazib said...

take it're still young...that's your fault cause there's so much you have to know. find a girl, settle down...if you want, you can marry...look at me, i am old but i'm happy...

these words aren't's yusuf islam@cat stevens....haha....

bastard united said...

yeah..nice....a fucking WTF moment sial....

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

About Me

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.