Tuesday, June 12, 2007


one old fella sat down with us twenty and thirty-somethings. while having a conversation over coffee, we transcended from one topic to another. and finally, we landed on the recent news of PM's marriage.
i have always treated these kind of stories with less interest. another bad one got through the gatekeeper and made it to the front page, and so i thought.

back to the table, we discussed and shared our utmost disregard of the matter. especially the part where millions SMSs flocked in inviting us to join in with the buzz. let alone those emails.

a friend, dressed like someone continuously refusing to grow up, said that this was all part of the govt agenda settings. the election is just around the corner, and as mr bush would do, he's portraying himself as mr nice guy (or simply someone needing everyone).

and then i heard the old fella said, "isn't he supposed to announce the next election? and yet he's announcing his own ERECTION!"


1 comment:

outkhai said...

ahhh cmonn mann..
election? erection?
get out of here!

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.