Tuesday, September 25, 2007


monthly expenditure on the average.

myr12.00 for public toilets.
myr 75.00 on cigarettes.
myr 36.00 on condoms.
myr 280.00 on rooms.
myr 90.00 on wasted foods.
myr 75.00 on wasted gas for unproductive purpose.

and someone, somewhere out there never thought of having any, let alone all of the above. so let's do our bit. no matter how bad we are or how penny-pinching we have become, please donate. i can assure you, it feels good. it's good to know that your bit will make a difference in the lives of others.

regardless of the colors, languages or even borders, this is planet earth. it is our planet. for us, humans.

you can go now.

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time is never time at all

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.