Monday, October 08, 2007

you can't have it all

it was still dark when i went out for work. i put on the used. one of those cds in my possession but not sure when will i be listening to their thing. so it was also still dark in the office. arriving early is my personal achievement every single time and a surprise to them. every single time. them are those not getting love letter from the folks in HR. and i thought what better to listen to when everything is dark. melancholic, violin shit music.

so above is what our graphic designer did for allusers@_ _ _ greeting of the year. far right is the new guy. he's definitely in his mid-life crisis.

it's four more days to hari raya. i'd rather not think about what will happen right after this hari raya. two weeks after to be exact.

we're having a buka puasa session with the press people today. you have no idea how important that is if you wonder why do we have to spend so much on dinners and all that shit for them.


p/s : i suppose i should've heard or knew about murphy's law at this age. but no, i've just discovered it. only recently. and i hate traffic jams even more ever since.
this lane is faster that the other one and in an instant, it stopped moving. then, you'll have to bear the smiling faces from the next lane, throwing that achievement look to you. shit!

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time is never time at all

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.