Friday, December 07, 2007

rain down, rain down

we're either frustrated or disappointed by now. it's the end of the year. it's december. i can feel the connection between the month and feeling suicidal or murderous. why do you think that black guy from lighthouse family sang "though it's darker than december, what's ahead is a different colour"?

december is all dark, rainy, humid and gloomy. i love that sinking feeling when i was left stranded years ago at shah alam. with only enough rice and onions. and i braved two days eating the aforementioned while listening to smashing pumpkins' adore. long story short, it was in december.

someone committed suicide last tuesday. opposite my tower, spitting distance from jas's. i have the video but the point is, it's december. why can't he do it in june or may? he, the deceased, knows.

khai, on the other hand is also kind of disappointed (for-reasons-only-god-knows-why). jas also. and i thought, this is when people would spend their time writing or painting a masterpiece. it's coming your way mr khai. jas, you hang in there.

did you know that november rain was actually written during the rainy season, in december. slash was so pissed drunk and mr axl experimenting with emm, cigarette laced with some rubbing alcohol.

ok, i made that up. man, it's december. we can't think straight with all the raining and shit.

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