Friday, January 25, 2008

you're the company that you keep

a definite maybe translates insecurity. insecurity will eventually fade your self-confidence. losing your confidence means withdrawing from the crowd. and being reserved is to approach the magnetic depression. depression holds a possibility of committing suicide. committing suicide, outside from japan, equals to being a loser. and to sum it up, it is not worth any bit of it.

i'm not a spiritual guru of any kind. i just thought that these behaviors are normal. not that committing suicide part, mind you. i mean, that sensation from happiness or even sadness is a normal body reaction. an approval or rejection however solely depends on the childhood upbringing, and the rest is genetics.

me myself, still thought that we need more love. i honestly and obviously need that. we can't act merely from listening to songs about getting together, not being alone or whatever shit that pop commercials been feeding us with.

love yourself, love your parents, love your family and friends and their families. like that "pay it forward" concept. then i'm sure all of us will be blessed with the love of God.


outkhai said...

u know that my love to u is indisputable, rite?

Demented said...

whats with the love thing bro? youre on crazy shit or something?

nazib said...

outkhai>>>err, actually i don't.

nazib said...

demented>>>i'm the victim of the uncertainties.

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.