Tuesday, February 05, 2008

angie's wedding reception

L-R>>>man and sam and zan.

L-R>>>fiza the pengapit, onn (nadia wanted to be part of this, again).

L-R>>>rashidah and her friend (yummy).

L-R>>>noni, rini, the ghost of tom joad, a friend.

L-R>>>sam, onn, onn's husband

L-R>>>jas, apek and his descendent.

L-R>>>mrs jamil and mr jamil.

L-R>>>Baharuddin Achmad aka apek, wife and Apek The II

L-R>>>i only recognized a familiar face. that's arin in white batik. and the rest, mm..friends.

L-R>>>a friend (she's...mm..blue), dila, dila's friend (i think)

L-R>>>watie's husband, watie herself, the coke-filled glass

L-R>>>maliah, nana, a friend, nadia and che pah (again).

L-R>>>noni, rini (she's..err...nothing), sam, a junior, onn.

L-R>>>azza, azza's hubby, a junior from school, tora (what's his real name?)

L-R>>>sam (he's the law), aza (mrs sam)

L-R >>aida (mrs man), man, zan

now it is time for...err...dine?

please welcome...


the arrival.

mr halim, imported from best 104fm with a relative of angie.

che pah with nadia. camera-happy, as always.

and we're gathered here tonight to witness...


outkhai said...

gud to see all of them bro
- apek, sam, jamil, and others..

farhan bin mazalan, ure NEXT!!

nazib said...

outkhai>>>as well as khairudin bin murad.

$@m said...


time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.