Friday, May 23, 2008

kiss and tell and lose

reluctantly, i wrote a simple explanation of what was i doing by making public my views and opinions on premarital sex. i have posted many entries on the subject previously. being your average unorthodox, insensitive yet sarcastic, i must've crossed some lines.

this morning, i was a bit surprised to have not-entirely-anonymously-written advice in my mailbox. i am grateful. thanks dear. but still, there are things that perhaps not all of us would decipher like the others would.

the purported assumption was that, i was practicing premarital sex on a regular basis. as far as i can remember, i did not scream from any rooftops announcing proudly my being able to get between their legs with no strings attached.

i'm in my all-work-and-no-play mode. so, don't play-play.


Demented said...

pre marital sex issue is so overated my frined.

any chance of coming out to play in july with the chosen few this time, bro?

nazib said...

very true bro...

yeah, might be coming down again this year. will arrange a meeting with STB somewhere in july. what's the date?

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.