Saturday, June 14, 2008

no surprises for me

thom yorke of radiohead sang, "bring down the government cause they don't, they don't speak for us". he might be that radical. we can't do that, can we? but now i have a lot of questions.

what good is an elected spokesman if he could not speak on our behalf?
what is the purpose of an election if the outcome is for the worse?
what is the significance of having our own political party if it is only for the selected few?
is it that necessary, that fuel price hike?
do we look like that stupid to just believe and consequently queueing up in a PO for a rebate?

for all i care, we have been denied and then silenced.

so what's the matter with you?
sing me something new, would you?

a colleague said, "is this the best that our government could come up with?. don't the government have all the smartest brains in the world and i couldn't help but wonder what is happening to them?".

"read between the lines", i said to all of them.

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.