Monday, June 09, 2008

welcome to my fortress of solitude, may you find solace

i saw someone singing loudly this morning. but i feel bad. that someone is the guy i met in the elevator the other day. he was walking lazily and i can't help but asked, "why are you looking so miserably disturbed?". "i didn't have any money", he replied.

"and why is that", i asked knowing that he's working with a company on the 14th floor.

"someone lost a walkie-talkie. they made us pay for it. f**k, don't they have any idea how we've worked like a dog?".

poor guy.


$@m said...

jib.. lu join blog ssijb98 x? nape gua xnampak name lu pun kat dalam sane... lu ngajuk ngan gua ke.. huahua...

nazib said...

bulom join...tgh arus malas.

time is never time at all

Voices of the Unheard

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researcher found that 40% of my conscious mind tend to enjoy porn-surfing at any given time. the other 60% are already there.